Thursday, February 6, 2014

How to enjoy testing and give a defect free product.

Recently our team figured out that we are able to produce more and more bugs and simultaneously enjoy what we do. Here you go!
We started to have competition on who would log most number of valid defects. Initially my teammates were really uncomfortable to log very minor defects. But i constantly told my teammates, even though the defects are small, these are the defects which would be found by producers and customers and we are blamed for not finding those defects. So as we started competing against each other, we had a quality product where we were damn confident the not even a minor glitch was left behind and simultaneously we enjoyed testing due to this competitive behavior. Recently we were assigned to individual project where 1 QC was assigned to test the 1 application but even after that we used to compare our defect count and try to find more defect.
So what do you think about this idea ?

This post was written in 2011.